Night Guard Dentists In Ann Arbor, Plymouth, Clarkston, Michigan

Aren’t sure if you need night guards? Most people aren’t aware that they grind or clench their teeth in their sleep. For this reason, it’s important to mention any jaw or tooth pain to your dentist during your next appointment. Depending on your circumstances, our dentists in Ann Arbor, Clarkston, and Plymouth, MI, may recommend a custom night guard to protect your smile.

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know before your next appointment at Michigan Main Street Dentistry.

Do Night Guards Work?

A night guard for teeth grinding can make a big difference for your dental health and overall wellbeing. It works by providing a protective layer of material between your upper and lower teeth. That way, your teeth don’t make direct contact when you bite down or clench in your sleep. A custom night guard can help prevent worn tooth enamel, chipped teeth, and other oral health issues.

What Type of Night Guard is Best?

We recommend getting a custom night guard from one of our dentists in Plymouth, Ann Arbor, and Clarkston, MI. This will ensure that your night guard offers the best protection for your smile and has a comfortable fit. Since your night guard will feel more comfortable, you’ll also be more inclined to wear it!

While you can buy a generic night guard over the counter, these are often made out of a hard plastic material. Using this type of night guard can do more harm than good since the hard material encourages you to bite more in your sleep.

Schedule an Appointment for a Night Guard

Michigan Main Street Dentistry is proud to offer three convenient locations with dentists in Ann Arbor, Clarkston, and Plymouth, MI. To schedule an appointment for a teeth grinding guard, please call any of our locations or fill out our online contact form. We hope to hear from you soon!

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